Ratha Yatra (Car Festival) Puri - Lord Sri Jagannath, Lord Balabhadra and Goddess Subhadra

Ratha Yatra (Car Festival)

Ratha Yatra (Car Festival) - Ratha yatra is also known as car festival. This car festival celebrated in the month of asadha.Lord Jagannath who is believed the incarnation of Lord Vishnu, the car festival is celebrated. In the Ramayana which is written by Balmiki, it is mentioned that when Lord Rama was getting leave to this world, he told vibhishan to warship Lord Jagannath.The padma purana describes that the supremely blissful persionality of godhead pretends to be made in of wood in Purushottama Kshetra or Jagannath Puri. On the day of the festival the wooden idols of Jagannath, Balabhadra andSubhadra are taken in procession in three chariot to their summer temple for a week. The construction of chariots are begins two months before the festival. Woods are taken from the local forest to made the wheels and chariots. The ropes of the chariots are pulled by millions of devotees. From many legendary things we known that Sri Jagannath is a form of Vishnu and Sri Krishna. The annual car festval represents Sri Krishna's journey from gokul to mathura. On this day many devotees are gather at Sri Kshetra Puri to celebrate the car festval or ratha yatra. Puri Jagannath Temple which is world famous for Lord Jagannath, Lord Balabhadra and Goddess Subhadra. Many devotees are came from other country to join the car festival.